Tips to Make Your Garden Your Happy Place


Whether you have a green thumbed passion for gardening or a penchant for barbecues, if you have a garden, you should make the most of it. In this article, we’re going to look at how you can make your garden the best part of your house.

Grass or No Grass

Depending on whether you want to be gardening or partying, your answer may be different, but do you want to keep real grass or swap to artificial grass? 

If you love spending Saturday morning mowing the lawn then the answer is obvious, but if you hate the upkeep required and would rather use that time spent elsewhere, then consider investing in fake grass. It’ll give your garden a natural look, yet clean and hassle free as well. 

Alternatively, you can get rid of both and have an entirely paved garden, though this may come with complications. First of all there’s the expenses, then you might need planning permission. In the last decade the law has changed to require planning permission because water running from paving, rather than being absorbed by grass, contributes to floods. 

An entirely paved garden may also put off buyers if you end up selling your house further down the line. So seek professional and perhaps legal advice before you do this.


Whether you opt for real grass or artificial, you can use plants in different ways to add colour and nature to your garden. With real grass, you can plant flowers, shrubs or even grow some vegetables in the soil. 

If you go for artificial grass, you can place some real potted plants around the garden or hang some baskets along your fence but still save time on maintenance.

Warmth and Shelter

If you want to keep your garden party going into the late evening, or during a snap of less than ideal weather, then you might want to think about how to keep yourself and your guests warm. Investing in a fire pit will not only keep you warm but can be a beautiful centrepiece to your garden that guests will want to crowd around no matter the weather. 

You can get different designs of fire pits to match your garden, some that look like big natural stone bowls and others that look more like a table. Some fire pits even have a table ledge to rest your barbecued food or drinks on. 

If the open flame of a fire pit gives you safety concerns, you can always opt for a patio heater.

To protect yourself and your guests from getting too much sun exposure or risk of rain, you can set up a gazebo or marquee. Place it over the garden furniture in the corner of your garden or next to your home for a little bit of insulation. You can also provide blankets for your guests, as well as buying a parasol to put over the seating area.


Your guests are going to need somewhere to sit, so make sure you have enough seats and spaces. Even if you don’t plan on having any parties, it’s nice to have some furniture like a reclining deck chair for yourself, especially if you like sitting out in the sun to relax and catch a few rays (just make sure you use sun cream).

There are lots of different furniture sets available online, though you might want to look into how weatherproof the set is before you buy it. You can always store it away or under shelter if you’re worried and have the storage space.

For simplicity and cheapness, you can’t go wrong with some plastic chairs but shop around if you’re feeling more stylish. Don’t forget a big table or a couple of small ones either.


Setting up some lighting in the garden will be both pretty and practical when the evening gets dark. You can simply hang some fairy lights around your house or fence to make an atmospheric difference.

Take Pride in Your Garden

Now that you’ve got some inspiration, it’s time to add some of the above to your garden and make it an extra space of joy for your home.


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